What can I do with my point data?

Once you have created vector files containing points, there are many things you can do with them:

  1. Convert to lines, e.g. draw transect lines from start & end points, or animal movement paths from tracking on foot
  2. Convert to polygons, e.g. map survey areas or fire footprints from walking around their perimeter

Convert points to lines

For example, create line transects from start and end points

To convert points to lines, two columns must be included in your attributes table:

  1. A column indicating which line each point belongs to, e.g. Transect ID or Management Zone
  2. A column indicating what order to join the points in, numbered consecutively from start to finish
  1. Open the toolbox using the QGIS menu: Processing > Toolbox
  2. Search for the Points to path tool
  3. Under Order field, select the column which specifies to order of points along the line
  4. Under Group field, select the column which distinguishes between lines
  5. Under Paths, click the ... button and choose a folder and file name for your new lines layer
  6. Click Run

Convert points to polygons

Convert your points to lines using the Points to path tool (see instructions above), then close the lines into polygons:

  1. On the QGIS menu, go to Vector > Geometry Tools > Lines to polygons
  2. Select as your Input layer your newly-created lines layer, or the GPS tracks you collected in the field
  3. Under Polygons, click the ... button and choose a folder and file name for your new polygon layer
  4. Click Run

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