Add a legend to your map

A legend explains the symbology used for each of your map layers, so that readers can interpret what the symbols on your map mean, and understand your message

By the end of this exercise, your map will look something like this:

Map with legend added

Add a legend

  1. Select the Add Legend tool QGIS Add Legend tool on the Project toolbar, and click on the map where you want your legend to be. Click OK
  2. The default is for QGIS to add the legend for all your layers, regardless of whether they are visible on your map. To remove all unnecessary items from the legend, tick the checkbox beside Only show items inside linked map on the legend’s Item Properties tab
  3. Alternatively, remove and add layers to your legend using the green + and red - buttons below the list of layers
  4. You can edit the names of your layers in the Layers Panel of the main QGIS window, but if you want to rename the layer only on the legend, you can uncheck the Auto update box and double-click on the layer to open up the Label property for that legend item, where you can manually edit its name

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