Add metadata to your map

Maps should always indicate the source of their underlying spatial datasets, and the author and date of creation. You can also add a title to highlight your message

By the end of this exercise, your map will look something like this:

Map with metadata added


  1. Select the Add Label tool QGIS Add Label tool on the Project toolbar, and click on the map where you want your text box to be. Click OK
  2. In the Item Properties tab, type in the text of your title, where it says Lorem ipsum under Main Properties
  3. Adjust the font size by clicking on the Font dropdown box
  4. Experiment with the other settings if you wish, e.g. Horizontal and vertical alignment,

Author and date

  1. Use the Add Label tool QGIS Add Label tool again to add your name and the date the map was created

Data sources

By including information on your data sources, you enable your readers to assess their relevance, validity and reliability, and acquire the source data themselves if its publically available

  1. Add another Label with the Add Label tool QGIS Add Label tool to provide information on your data sources

Export your map as an image

Now you have a completed map, you can export it from QGIS for inclusion in reports or as a stand-alone graphic

  1. In the QGIS Print Layout window, go to the Layout menu > Export as Image

Amazing work! :clap:

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