Module 4 assignment

Your final assignment for this course! It’s a little different from the previous ones, as you’ll submit your final map instead of a screenshot. This assignment includes the usual three parts:

  1. Evidence :information_source: - A screenshot of QGIS showing your progress
  2. Reflection :thought_balloon: - A paragraph describing your experience of the learning activities on this module
  3. Peer feedback :speech_balloon: - A comment on someone else’s assignment

Prepare your assignment

  1. Save your final QGIS map as an image file - this is your Evidence :information_source: You can use your own field data, or choose whichever of the gibbon case study datasets you wish to show
  2. Write a paragraph stating the message of your assignment map, and briefly describing how this module’s activities have contributed to progress towards your learning goal - this is your Reflection for this week :thought_balloon:

Submit your assignment

To submit your assignment, reply to the Module 4 assignment: Making maps topic in our community forum - see below

Offer feedback to peers

Reply to one or more of the other learners’ assignments - this is your Peer feedback :speech_balloon: Your reply should include three elements:

  1. Positive feedback: What have they done well?
  2. Suggestion or question: A suggestion for improvement or extending what they’ve done, or a question if there’s something they need to clarify
  3. Reflection: What you’ve learned from their work that you can apply to your own?

Previous submodule: