What’s your message?

The design of a map (layers to include, choice of symbology etc) depends on who your intended audience is, and what story you’re trying to tell them. So let’s start with the story…

Think of a map you’d like to create right now, ideally based on your own conservation work. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have the data yet - use this as a chance to visualise your future goal

  • What would you like your readers to conclude after looking at your map?
  • What layers will you include?
    • Which layers hold the key information for your message?
    • Which layers are necessary simply to provide context, spatially or on the conservation situation?
  • How would you draw features on your map to communicate your message clearly?

:bulb: You may want to sketch your proposed map on paper first, to help you visualise what features you need to include

:warning: We recommend that you do not include a basemap layer such as OpenStreetMap in your own maps. OSM contains a lot of detail which will be unnecessary for communicating your message, and will distract the reader. You could select certain layers from the downloaded OSM dataset if they are integral to your message, or are vital for the reader to orient themselves

Tell us your map’s message

Reply to the What is your map’s message? topic on the community forum below to briefly describe your proposed map and its message or purpose

Read through some of the other posts:

  • Is anyone else aiming to create a similar map?
  • What can you learn from other people’s plans?
  • What questions can you ask to help them refine their ideas?

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