Module 3 assignment
You need to submit every assignment to qualify for a certificate of completion. Each assignment includes three parts:
- A screenshot of QGIS showing your progress
- A paragraph describing your experience of the learning activities on this module
Peer feedback
- A comment on someone else’s assignment
Prepare your assignment
- Save a screenshot of your QGIS project after the final exercise - this is your Evidence
You can use your own field data, or choose whichever of the case study datasets you wish to show. Your goal is not to reproduce my QGIS examples exactly, but to experiment and develop your own individual interests and style - you decide which area to zoom into, which layers to make visible, and how to symbolise them
- Write a paragraph briefly describing how this module’s activities have contributed to progress towards your learning goal - this is your Reflection
- If you encountered any problems doing the exercises, you can include how you solved them - this is optional but also encourages you to spend time on Reflection. If you’re still stuck, seek help in the community forum - see the Getting help page in Preparation above!
Submit your assignment
To submit your assignment, reply to the Module 3 assignment topic in our community forum - see below
Offer feedback to peers
Reply to one or more of the other learners’ assignments - this is your Peer feedback
Your reply should include three elements:
Positive feedback: What have they done well?
Suggestion or question: A suggestion for improvement or extending what they’ve done, or a question if there’s something they need to clarify
Reflection: What you’ve learned from their work that you can apply to your own?